
Bienale oblikovanja (BIO)
Biennial of Design (BIO)
Rusjanov trg 7
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 / 1 548 4279
{ "_id": "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29", "csi:Logo": [ "File:LOGOTIP BIO ANG.png" ], "csi:Town": [ "SI-1000 Ljubljana" ], "rdf:type": [ "Architecture & Design", "Article", "Articles maintained by Nina Hlebec", "Design", "Design festivals", "Festivals", "Festivals in November", "Festivals in October", "Festivals in September", "HAS LOGO", "http://semantic-mediawiki.org/swivt/1.0#Subject", "Industrial design", "INFOBOX", "NEEDSUPDATE", "NIFERTIK", "NODEPO", "NO PHOTO", "NOT ROBOT", "NOVERIFY", "PROOFREAD DONE", "Updated 2020", "WRITING DONE" ], "foaf:name": [ "Bienale oblikovanja (BIO)" ], "csi:Region": [ "SI-1" ], "foaf:phone": [ "+386 / 1 548 4279" ], "rdfs:label": [ "Biennial of Design (BIO)" ], "swivt:page": [ "//www.culture.si/en/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29" ], "csi:Contact": [ "Bienale oblikovanja (BIO)" ], "csi:Country": [ "About Slovenia" ], "csi:Page_ID": 953, "vcard:email": [ "mailto:bio@mao.si" ], "csi:Category": [ "Architecture & Design", "Design", "Design festivals", "Festivals", "Festivals in November", "Festivals in October", "Festivals in September", "Industrial design" ], "csi:Logo_url": [ "http://www.culture.si/images/4/41/Biennial_of_Design_%28BIO%29_en_%28logo%29.png" ], "csi:TownName": [ "Ljubljana" ], "csi:Frequency": [ "biennial" ], "csi:Has_query": [ "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29-23_QUERY1b401e608d0e3100236720b067f61010", "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29-23_QUERY50a0f27e940852f9b8280dac68291788" ], "foaf:homepage": [ "http://www.bio.si" ], "csi:TeaserText": [ "The Biennial of Design, known also by its Slovene acronym BIO, explores and reflects contemporary developments in international design through a collaborative process; questioning and analysing current conditions in industrial production, public and private space, systems and networks." ], "dc:description": [ "The [[Biennial of Design (BIO)|Biennial of Design]], known also by its Slovene acronym BIO, explores and reflects contemporary developments in international design through a collaborative process; questioning and analysing current conditions in industrial production, public and private space, systems and networks." ], "vcard:locality": [ "SI-1000 Ljubljana" ], "csi:Established": [ "1963.0" ], "csi:Revision_ID": 325847, "csi:Category_slo": [ "Oblikovanje", "Festivali", "Industrijsko oblikovanje" ], "csi:Festival_end": [ "2.02504e+07" ], "csi:Organised_by": [ "BIO Secretariat", "Museum of Architecture and Design" ], "csi:Page_creator": [ "User:KBot" ], "rdfs:isDefinedBy": [ "//www.culture.si/en/Special:ExportRDF/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29" ], "vcard:postal-code": [ "SI-1000" ], "csi:Duration_weeks": [ "39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 (2012)" ], "csi:Festival_dates": [ "18.9.2014 - 7.12.2014, 25.5.2017 - 29.10.2017, 14.11.2019 - 31.12.2019, 1.1.2020 - 9.2.2020, 26.5.2022 - 29.9.2022, 21.11.2024 - 6.4.2025" ], "csi:Festival_start": [ "2.02411e+07" ], "csi:Festival_weeks": [ "201239", "201240", "201241", "201242", "201243", "201244", "201245", "201246", "201438", "201439", "201440", "201441", "201442", "201443", "201444", "201445", "201446", "201447", "201448", "201449", "201721", "201722", "201723", "201724", "201725", "201726", "201727", "201728", "201729", "201730", "201731", "201732", "201733", "201734", "201735", "201736", "201737", "201738", "201739", "201740", "201741", "201742", "201743", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "201913", "201914", "201915", "201916", "201917", "201918", "201919", "201920", "201921", "201922", "201923", "201924", "201925", "201926", "201927", "201928", "201929", "201930", "201931", "201932", "201933", "201934", "201935", "201936", "201937", "201938", "201939", "201940", "201941", "201942", "201943", "201944", "201945", "201946", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202221", "202222", "202223", "202224", "202225", "202226", "202227", "202228", "202229", "202230", "202231", "202232", "202233", "202234", "202235", "202236", "202237", "202238", "202239", "202447", "202448", "202449", "202450", "202451", "202452", "202453", "202454", "202455", "202456", "202457", "202458", "202459", "202460", "202461", "202462", "202463", "202464", "202465", "202466", "202467", "202468", "202469", "202470", "202471", "202472", "202473", "202474", "202475", "202476", "202477", "202478", "202479", "202480", "202481", "202482", "202483", "202484", "202485", "202486", "202487", "202488", "202489", "202490", "202491", "202492", "202493", "202494", "202495", "202496", "202497", "202498", "202499", "202500", "202501", "202502", "202503", "202504", "202505", "202506", "202507", "202508", "202509", "202510", "202511", "202512", "202513", "202514" ], "csi:Twitter_account": [ "https://twitter.com/BIO_Ljubljana" ], "csi:Youtube_account": [ "https://www.youtube.com/user/MuseumArchitecture" ], "swivt:wikiNamespace": [ "0" ], "csi:Facebook_account": [ "https://www.facebook.com/MAO.Slovenia" ], "vcard:street-address": [ "Rusjanov trg 7" ], "csi:Instagram_account": [ "https://www.instagram.com/mao_slovenia/" ], "swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [ "Biennial of Design (BIO)" ], "csi:Dates_and_duration": [ "October-November" ], "csi:Number_of_revisions": [ "20.0" ], "csi:Organised_by_localname": [ "Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje (MAO)" ], "csi:Modification_date-23aux": [ "2.46064e+06" ], "swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [ "en" ], "swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [ "2024-11-21T08:06:12Z" ] }